The Honey Foundation for Israel is honored to host Yavilah McCoy /August 3
“How proximate am I to the humanity
that lives behind the words people use?”
Yavilah McCoy
Join the Honey Foundation for Israel for a spiritual event that will speak to the leadership needs of this global moment.
The Honey Foundation for Israel is honored to host Yavilah McCoy –activist; spiritual teacher; and diversity, equity,
and inclusion consultant – for a conversation on the role of religious leadership at this moment full of challenge
and possibility.
Yavilah is a powerful and unique voice who will help us understand the transformational shifts
in American Jewish communities today and the implications of these shifts for Jewish leaders everywhere.
Our conversation will address:
- Why this moment of race work is important for America and the world?
- And why specifically this is an important moment for American Jews and Jewish communities?
- What are the challenges facing the American Jewish community vis a vis diversity, equity and inclusion?
- How might religious leaders create communal spaces that can hold multiple identities and diverse
ideological commitments?
Join our Israeli networks August 3, 10 AM EST
Zoom link for the event >
“Why the Purim Story Gives Me Hope That Our Nation
Can Make Black Lives Matter” > A sample of Yavilah’s writings
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