
The Minyan Mishpakhti Masorti in Kfar Weradim weekly newsletter, edited by our dedicated Esthi David.

 A Short Visit fromt Margate Florida

 A Short Visit fromt Margate Florida Who was available on Wednesday, November 13, and  read  Rabbi Natalie’s message on the What’sup, inviting members of our community to welcome a small delegation, about ten people members of Bet-Am Temple in Margate

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Todays Israel

 [shashin type=”photo” id=”7535″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”] Following please find an appeal from Yizhar Hess, the Masorti Movement CEO which is self explanatory.

“Our Friend Rabbi Paul Friedman is working these days on the production of Today’s Israel, the Internet Magazine, which is distributed to Conservative Communities in North America.

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, General Media Articles, Kolenu, Minyan Mishpachti Masorti, News from the Conservative Movement, Videos and Other Articles

Happy Passover and Time Table for the Pessach prayers

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4586″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”] the members of the Minyan Mishpachti at Kfar Vradim wish all our congregants and supporters a happy Pessach.

please find below the time table for all the events for this Pessach:

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Posted in Community, Holidays, Kolenu, Minyan Mishpachti Masorti

מן הנעשה בתנועה המסורתית

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4560″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”right”]ההודעה השבועית – באים לכנסת

ביום שני, 30.5.16, כ”ב באייר תשע”ו יקיים מכון ‘על משמר הכנסת’ יום עיון מיוחד בכנסת לחברי וחברות התנועה המסורתית ולעוקבי המכון בנושא דת ומדינה. הביקור בכנסת יכלול סיור מודרך במשכן הכנסת וכן פגישות ושיחות עם חברי וחברות כנסת בכירים. המטרה היא להכיר יותר ולהשפיע על הנעשה מאחורי הקלעים בכנסת בתחום יחסי הדת ומדינה. אנו מזמינים את חברות וחברי התנועה להשתתף ביום המרתק. להרשמה לחצו כאן

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Shabbat Shalom

Shabat Shalom members and receipients of Koleinu  This week’s Koleinu has more posts then usual, some of them you may read in English.  At the end of each post which is translated there is an indication about it, a click and  it

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Condolences from beyond the sea

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4646″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”right”]This week I have received the following letter:
I just saw the news and I’m speechless and shocked…

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Kalnoit Service to and from the Shule through Yom Kippur

[shashin type=”photo” id=”5082″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”right”]
We are very glad to let you know that we are going to have the Kalnoit Service (electrical vehicle) from and to the Minyan Mishpachti Masorti Scule during Yom Kippur. It will be operated by a non Jewish driver.

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Rabbi Nathalie Lastreger Contact details

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4661″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]Please pay attention to the following contact detailss for our congregation Rabbi:

e-mail address : raba.kv.masorti@gmail.com

Cell phone: 050-5249101

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Shabat Shalom

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4647″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]We wish all our Minyan Members and friends Shabat Shalom

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Welcome Nathalie Lastreger!

[shashin type=”photo” id=”5376″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]We wish to extend our warmest welcome to Ms. Natalie Lasterger who is our Minyan Rabbi as from now and wish her all the very best, easy and soft landing in our community, our nice village in beautiful Western

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Community, Kolenu, The Minyan Mishpachti Masorti

Yishar Koach! to volunteers at the Cemetary

[shashin type=”photo” id=”5335″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]ur appreciations go to Galit Haim and Susan Rand-Lakritz for the “last rights” the true charity (dealing with the departed) work they are doing. YisharKoach!
Susan just mentioned that she had taken part in a complete ״circle of life״ events this past week: a Brit-milah, a wedding, first time as a Bat Mitzvah laying of phylacteries and a funeral; and all this in less than 24 hours

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Ceremonies and Rituals, Community, Kolenu

looking for “Hessed Emet” Volunteers

[shashin type=”photo” id=”5338″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”] We are in great need of volunteers (both genders) to join the circle of people active in “Hessed Emet” at the cemetary. We are just too few people and have to rely on assistance of volunteers from outside the Kfar who are not always available. It is a special and great “Mitzva”! He or she who are able to assist are invited to get in touch with our Chairman Offer David. Cellphone 0523-793448 or e-mail address bambtush@gmail.com.

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Community, Kolenu

Students Grants for Poland Memorial Travels

[shashin type=”photo” id=”5337″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left We wish to advise that, thanks to “Max and Pauline Zimmer family foundation” and Ninel Khayat, we are able to give grants to our Kehila youth who are in need of assistance in joining the Poland Memorial Travels. Terms for applications are as follows: members of minyan, Ministry of Education approval, sharing in and contributing to our Minyan activities. The amount of the grants will be decided according to each case. For details please send an e-mail to the Chairman of our Minyan Association, Offer David: bambtush@gmail.com re: Milga”]

Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Community, Kolenu, The Minyan Mishpachti Masorti

Mazal Tov Ninel

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4634″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]Dear Ninel, Mazal Tov on the birth and brit-milah of your new grandson Daniel. Our best wishes to you and the whole happy family.

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Mazal Tov to Nethanella and Ran

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4967″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]Our hearty Mazal Tov greetings and best wishes to Bess and Maerton on the occasion of their daughter Nethanella’s wedding to Ran, this past week

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From the Editor’s Desk

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4547″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]Sivan Yechieli’s exciting FB post about the special needs kid’s Bar Mitsva, celebrated at the Minyan’s Synagogue, a very emotional reaction from a guest at Kabalat Shabbat who admitted it was her first time to touch a Sidur, in addition to a conversation we had about the importance, duties and activities of our Minyan bring me to try to articulate what I see in, and feel about it.

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Community, Editorial, Kolenu

Congratulations to Judy Golan

We are very hap py to congratulte our Minyan member Judy Golan for her winning of 2nd prize for her research [shashin type=”photo” id=”5123″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]

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Accessing Schul on Yom Kippur

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4751″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]For few months I have been checking options to organize transportation to Schul on Yom Kippur for our members who can no longer walk the distance. For those the meaning is either stay at home and not participate in

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Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, Community, Holidays, Kolenu

Transportation to Synagogue

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4752″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”left”]We are trying to organize transportation to the Minyan Beth Knesset for Yom Kippur.

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Increase in number of Israeli’s feeling they belong to the Masorti movement

[shashin type=”photo” id=”4605″ size=”small” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”right”] Following the unaccepted words of the Minister for Religion affairs, Mr. Azolai, the Knesset Channel had taken a survey in which they asked: “Do you feel you belong to any of the streams in Judaism? 45% responded “I don’t belong to any stream”, 35% responded Orthodox, 6% reform and 6% conservative.

Posted in 'Kolenu' Newsletter, From the Rabbi's Desk, Kolenu
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